Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Hornby Island #225

Hornby Island, BC, June 2015 

 For this photo I set up my view camera on the tripod near the waters edge, composed my photo with a large rock in the foreground and sat myself down to watch the sun set. The water gently slapped to and fro on the beach. 

While waiting for the right light and drinking in this beautiful scene, a car pulled into the parking lot, a woman, maybe in her 30's made her way to a series of rocks, removed her dress and slid ever so stealthily into the water for an evening swim, she swam past where I was set up, she was some distance out and no words were spoken. Then she swam back to where she started and got out of the water and stretched out on the rounded smooth sandstone rocks, they must have been very warm from the day's sun, as she lay there, the sun glinted off her nude figure, the scene was both breath taking and intoxicating, there was a peace about the whole scene, the light was very beautiful. 

The sun then slowly dipped below the horizon ending a perfect day on Hornby Island.

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